Director’s Blog – May 2020

Director’s Blog – May 2020

Due to the current financial constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice!”  reads a notice on a local sign board. 

How is that for pessimism?  I am an optimist to the end and believe that God’s goodness will prevail!  I believe that nothing can take away the power of hope unless you let it!  Hope is as essential to life as oxygen is to your human body!    


In Proverbs 13:12 it says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”.   I think of King David who had to give up everything and hide for his life for seven long years because Saul wanted to kill him!  While David was in hiding, (socially distanced, furloughed, quarantined, shut down), he wrote many of the great Psalms which are so encouraging!  He chose to thank and praise God in the darkness of his cave! 


Please read Psalm 42 and 43, which both end with a powerful question and a declaration of hope.  David cried, “Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God!”  


Are you “downcast” right now?  Has this whole shut down of society and the fear of the virus unsettled you?  Like Dorothy in Oz, I keep saying, Toto, it looks like we are not in Kansas anymore!”   We are in a strange land we have never seen before…. It is easy to let our hearts grow sick waiting for the powers that be to turn the light back on at the end of the tunnel or to wait for this bad dream to end and get back to Kansas! 


If your heart feels sick, remember that God is on His throne and with Him all things are possible!  In effect, worry says, “God, our problems are bigger than You are.  I’m not sure that You can handle this for us!” 


If anxiety is blocking the light, there is only one thing to do:  MOVE!  Go left or right and seek God’s perspective!  Get focused on THE light at the end of the tunnel which is God’s sure plan and power for His glory to shine out of this darkness! Praise God for who He is and what He has done, and you will realize HE is the light at the end of the tunnel and nothing can obscure that when we stay focused on Him!  I look forward to the new school year with great hope and joy!                                                                                                                                           


Blessings of peace and joy! 

Teresa Brophy, director 

Teresa Brophy

Director, Prince of Peace School

   503-645-1211School Office